Labour’s solar power expansion ‘prioritising net zero’ over farmers
The Times By James Beal A Yorkshire family faces an uncertain future after a government decision to prioritise a renewable energy scheme on their tenanted land The Labour government has been accused of prioritising the drive to achieve [...]
Our fate depends on a Goverment minister
Article from the Sunday Telegraph By Jonathan Leake
Angela Rayner to review Old Malton solar appeal
Farmers Weekly By Debbie James The deputy prime minister is to rule on whether a solar energy company can erect panels on about 52ha of tenanted farmland in North Yorkshire, after she snatched that decision-making process away from a planning inspector. Angela Rayner stepped [...]
‘I don’t want an industrial site where cows used to be’: The farmers under threat from solar developers
A government-backed drive to boost solar power has left tenant farmers vulnerable across the country Peter Stanford 30 June 2024 • 12:30pm “I’ve been here all my life.” Andrew Dakin is taking a break from his cattle on Kidsley Park Farm, 110 acres [...]
I am delighted to be able to say the North Yorkshire Planning Committee have overwhelmingly refused permission for solar and battery storage at Eden Farm with 10 votes against 4. There 4 planning reasons for rejection are: Impact on the tenant farmer Lack of evidence put [...]
Farm Victory Over Rees-Mogg Trust
The Times by Ben Ellery Tenant farmers have fended off a proposal linked to Sir Jacob Rees-Mogg's wife to kick them off their land to make way for solar panels. Rob Sturdy, whose grandfather Guy moved to Eden Farm in Malton, Yorkshire, in 1954, faced the [...]