In the Press

In the Press2024-07-03T10:27:40+01:00

Labour’s solar power expansion ‘prioritising net zero’ over farmers

March 3, 2025|

The Times By James Beal A Yorkshire family faces an uncertain future after a government decision to prioritise a renewable energy scheme on their tenanted land The Labour government has been ­accused of prioritising the drive to achieve [...]

Angela Rayner to review Old Malton solar appeal

September 24, 2024|

Farmers Weekly By Debbie James The deputy prime minister is to rule on whether a solar energy company can erect panels on about 52ha of tenanted farmland in North Yorkshire, after she snatched that decision-making process away from a planning inspector. Angela Rayner stepped [...]

‘I don’t want an industrial site where cows used to be’: The farmers under threat from solar developers

June 30, 2024|

A government-backed drive to boost solar power has left tenant farmers vulnerable across the country Peter Stanford  30 June 2024 • 12:30pm “I’ve been here all my life.” Andrew Dakin is taking a break from his cattle on Kidsley Park Farm, 110 acres [...]


October 14, 2023|

I am delighted to be able to say the North Yorkshire Planning Committee have overwhelmingly refused permission for solar and battery storage at Eden Farm with 10 votes against 4. There 4 planning reasons for rejection are: Impact on the tenant farmer Lack of evidence put [...]

The One Show 5th March 2024

Protestors outside Malton Town Council Meeting 30th June

Protestors outside Malton Town Council Meeting 30th June

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